Our mission
Jobs in the area
- Senior Devops Engineer- NetworkKraków
- Senior IT AnalystKatowice
- Senior IT AnalystKraków
Transformation is a never-ending process.
There are constantly new challenges, ideas, projects that drive the transformation process and that change us for the better. A seemingly small innovation can often have a greater impact on the functioning of our organisation than a large project. Transformation is about unlocking the potential of an individual employee that can become a driving force behind our entire organisation.
In a changing world, the ability to adapt provides a competitive advantage. We believe that with an agile approach, we will deliver valuable products to market faster and respond better to customer needs. We are also confident that in self-managed teams, employees will be more engaged and motivated, and therefore happier.
Our mission is to continually inspire change and seek improvement. We share our passion for Lean and Agile models, train, and help to optimise our work environment and simplify processes. We have our hands full, but this kind of work is a real pleasure!
Why join us?
My passion is implementing Lean culture in the organisation. We are committed to developing a habit of continuous improvement based on the bank's values and employee engagement. We are a close-knit team that collaborates with all areas to actively contribute to the transformation of the organisation.
How do we operate?
The move towards an almost entirely agile project management model is the bank’s biggest internal change. This is a colossal change and the one that will drive how we change in the future. In other words, Transformation is responsible for the fact that we work differently – and more efficiently – with each other.
We rely on Open Banking, the use of API and new online services, including those developed together with other entities, e.g. online contract signing in cooperation with Autenti. Transformation is a change affecting how we communicate with our clients, who are increasingly online.
What can you expect?
We believe that change begins with us. We are constantly learning and broadening our perspective. We employ experts in Lean Management, Visual Management, Problem Solving, Agile, Kanban, coaching, Management 3.0. The spectrum of our interests is widening, as we are constantly looking for new tools that can help our organisation. We inspire each other and gladly share our knowledge and experience.
As part of our teams, you will have a real impact on changing working methods and mind-sets in a large organisation. It is a huge challenge but more importantly it's an opportunity to gain experience in agile transformation that is unique in the market. We do not promise that it will be easy but we guarantee a positive atmosphere of trust in the team, many interesting challenges, support in adapting to the new environment and continuous development.
Check out the latest posts on our blog
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