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Jobs in the area
- Specjalistka / Specjalista ds. Obsługi Klientów MSPKatowice
- Specjalistka / Specjalista ds. Obsługi Klientów StrategicznychWarszawa
- Starsza Specjalistka / Starszy Specjalista ds. Finansowania StrukturyzowanegoWarszawa
Corporate Banking performs tasks related to the sale of products and services dedicated to corporate clients with an annual turnover in excess of PLN 60 million. One of its priorities is to provide quality customer service. The main tasks of Corporate Banking also include developing individual solutions for the most demanding clients: companies forming part of international capital groups, institutions and public sector entities, including in the area of real estate financing and structured financing.
The mission is to support customers in carrying out their core business by providing the necessary services as well as expert know-how. Thanks to us, clients can grow their business. We stand by our clients through the various stages of their lifecycles, helping them realise their plans and grow.
The bank for a changing world – this is not a soundbite but a promise that, with our bank, clients can look to the future with optimism.
Our goal is to build the best corporate banking in Poland.
Corporate & Institutional Banking
CIB in Poland is part of the Corporate & Institutional Banking segment of BNP Paribas Group. CIB supports institutional clients and engages in financial market trading and treasury operations. An important part of CIB's business is the development of specialised services for strategic clients. CIB's competencies include supporting institutional clients, such as other banks, insurance companies, pension and investment funds, as well as the State Treasury. The way in which CIB is organised allows it to combine the advantages of a global bank operating across multiple financial markets with the long tradition and experience of a local bank.
Why join us?
I have been working for BNP Paribas Bank for 11 years now and I have enjoyed every single day. I have seen the bank undergo many changes over the course of more than a decade. Each of these changes has brought positive results, which just shows that we are evolving in the right direction. Why join us? Firstly, because of the opportunity for development. I started as an advisor, then I moved to an expert position and now I am a manager. Secondly, because of the very good working atmosphere. Everyone is part of the team, and we collaborate and co-create. Thirdly, and most importantly, we meet fantastic and inspiring people on our professional path.
What makes us stand out?
The comprehensive nature of the services offered by the bank is what sets us apart. The client can access a wide range of products (factoring, leasing, banking products) from a single location. The credit process and the development of electronic channels are currently the key projects in which we are involved.
An organisation that focuses on sustainable development and equal treatment of employees. The size of the group and the number of entities it incorporates provides an opportunity for an international career. We are the Bank of Green Changes, we promote and support environmentally-friendly solutions (e.g. the “Green Energy” Elena programme). Responsible financial decisions are made after analysing environmental, social and corporate governance criteria (ESG). CSR is not just a buzzword, it stands for supporting diversity and local communities.
We are looking for highly motivated and committed individuals. Those with interdisciplinary knowledge, developed soft skills, solid sales skills and know-how. People motivated to achieve above-average results, resistant to stress, open minds looking for outside-the-box solutions, guided by ethical principles in whatever they do.
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