What do we do?
Jobs in the area
- Specjalistka / Specjalista ds. Zarządzania Ryzykiem Kredytowym MSPWarszawa
- Specjalistka / Specjalista ds. Zarządzania Ryzykiem Kredytowym MSPPoznań
The Risk Area is the second line of defence in the bank's operations, which means the implementation and oversight of control mechanisms applied in the bank for all types of risks, including credit, market, operational and liquidity risks, which are taken in the course of the bank's business operations.
The mission of Risk is to support the pursuit of the bank's strategic, business and financial goals – safely, within set limits, taking into consideration BNP Group standards and supervisory regulations.
Our daily work
Risk is made up of people who work in concert with each other, while often coming from different professional backgrounds and representing a diversity of opinions.
Thanks to these qualities, in a world of constant change, both internal and external to our organisation, we are able to make risk management decisions together with the business using our competencies, experience and available information – thus supporting the achievement of our bank's goals.
Risk employees are focused on collaborating with the business and acquiring new knowledge. We are also happy to share our knowledge. Our competence is also noticed and appreciated across the BNP Paribas Group. Risk employees support other units of the BNP Paribas Group operating in other countries in building statistical models for credit risk assessment and models supporting business development. We are also implementing a number of projects for the BNP Paribas Group that will allow our Owner to meet supervisory requirements at the European level.
Why join us?
To work at an institution which on the one hand is conservative by nature but on the other follows the spirit of the times and is at the forefront of the ESG agenda broadly understood in the financial industry in Poland. It is easier to plan your future at a flexible organisation which has an ambition to lead rather than lag behind the global process of change.
What can you expect?
Working in Risk brings together knowledge from all branches of modern economics, allowing you to learn about different industries, sometimes very innovative business models and the people behind them.
The competence of employees and the development of their talents and individual aptitudes are of key importance in the Risk Area. By working together on the many projects that are initiated by Risk, employees can acquire new skills and have the opportunity to share their knowledge and experience, including at an international level. All this makes work in the area of Risk interesting, developmental and challenging, but at the same time characterised by a friendly atmosphere, mutual support and understanding.
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