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The bank for a changing world

Strategy of BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. for the years 2022-2025


The main goal of the new GObeyond strategy for the years 2022-2025 adopted on March 21, 2022 by the Supervisory Board is the further dynamic growth of the Bank, which will be an efficient institution, engaging satisfied Customers and employees, while being a leader in the area of sustainable development. The GObeyond strategy, following a multi-stage scale-up through acquisitions in the previous years, focuses on organic growth while maintaining a responsible approach to risk management.


The main assumptions of the strategy

The strategic directions included in the new GObeyond strategy are based on solid foundations as well as sustainable and diversified business model of the Bank. The development directions remain valid despite the volatile environment we currently face. The new strategy was developed internally by a wide group of the Bank’s employees representing all key areas and by the representatives of the Bank’s subsidiaries.


The GObeyond strategy is based on 4 pillars:

  • together - increasing employee engagement and full use of their potential by changing working methods and creating a friendly and diverse work environment that supports development
  • stronger - wide-ranging technological changes, process optimization, increasing the use of the potential of the data we have
  • up - growth in all Customer segments by providing attractive products and solutions, building long-term relationships with Customers, and transforming the service model
  • positive - strengthening the position of a leader in sustainable finance, reduction of own carbon footprint, ethics in Customer relations, support for local communities


Key financial targets 2025

At the same time, it should be emphasized that attempts to accurately predict the economic assumptions that form the basis of the financial goals are severely impeded by unprecedented political and economic uncertainty. The forecasts reflect the factors that affected the market, to the state, prior to the outbreak of the war in Ukraine.


We understand the name GObeyond in two ways

In the up and positive pillars: we deliver a selection of convenient & tailored products & solutions which will often exceed Customer expectations and set new standards on the market. This will be particularly visible in the area of sustainable finance. 

In the stronger and together pillars: being aware of the areas to be optimized as a result of several operational mergers, our benchmark for success will be the dynamic implementation of changes on a scale that goes beyond incremental development, creating a solid foundation for effective and efficient operations. We will question bank and market realities to deliver more and join the ranks of the best.


Detailed information on the assumptions of the strategy:

Current report 8/2022 dated March 21, 2022

Presentation "Strategy of BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. for the years 2022-2025"

Conference presenting the Bank's Strategy – broadcast Opens in new window.


Additional information on the progress in the implementation of the strategy as well as financial and non-financial measures used are disclosed in the Bank’s and Group’s periodic reports:


More detailed information about corporate social responsibility and sustainable development as well as strategy and ESG issues management at BNP Paribas Bank Polska can be found at the following websites:

Bank strategy for 2018-2021


The main assumption of the new Fast Forward strategy for 2018-2021, adopted by the Bank's Management Board and Supervisory Board on 17 May 2018, is focus on the customer and digital transformation of products, services and processes aimed at accelerating development and increasing profitability.

The strategy also included growth through the acquisition of the core banking activities of Raiffeisen Bank Polska, which was executed in 2018 (legal merger) and 2019 (operational merger).


Strategic goals are to achieve:

- NBI growth rate faster than the market,

- ROE above 10%,

- C/I ratio at approx. 50%.


Business development is based on 5 key pillars:

  • Growth – the primary driver of development is retail banking. Within this area, the Bank has prepared a new offer for individual customers, together with the modernisation of digital tools (Internet and mobile banking). The range of products and services will be constantly adjusted to promote greater simplification of customers. The new acquisition will be supported by expanding cooperation with B2B customers. The Bank's ambition is to become one of the leaders in corporate and SME banking, to become the first-choice bank for micro-enterprises and to strengthen its position among leaders in private banking.
  • Simplicity – on the customer side, the Bank will strive to simplify products and communication methods along with the improvement of processes, especially those related to the so-called customer journey. On the business organization side, the Bank will review its internal structures and optimize the sales network.
  • Quality – achieving a high level of satisfaction and thus customer loyalty will be a priority. On a synthetic level, the Bank aims at doubling the NPS ratio in the horizon of the current strategy. The level of satisfaction is constantly monitored at various levels, enabling improvement of internal processes. Additional support will be provided by systemic promotion of quality parameters in areas related to customer service.
  • Enthusiasm – in order to achieve its strategic goals, the Bank will take care of high retention of the best employees and support cooperation and information exchange between business units. The priority will also be to run business in a socially responsible manner, which is at the same time an element of the brand identity.
  • Digitalisation – in order to enhance cost efficiency, the Bank introduces process automation by means of artificial intelligence. A great deal of effort is put into cyber security and modernisation of IT architecture. Customers will experience better integrated sales and service channels, and will receive better-suited product and service proposals.


The Bank has built a sizeable position on the market in recent years but there is still potential for development in key business areas. The acquisition of the core banking activities of Raiffeisen Bank Polska made it possible to enhance the Bank’s presence in large cities and developed its wealthy customer base as well as became one of the leaders in the private banking segment. In the SME area, the acquired business, with a strong distribution network, innovative product platform and modern  customer service center, let the Bank enter to significant players in this rapidly growing and highly profitable segment. Moreover the acquisition strengthened Bank's position amongst the largest banks in Poland.


CSR and Sustainable Development Strategy

An integral part of all pillars of the current business strategy is the CSR and Sustainable Development Strategy, which consists of 12 commitments under the four pillars of responsibility: economic, in the workplace, social and environmental, resulting from the CSR Policy - Corporate Social Responsibility.

As a part of the economic responsibility pillar, i.a. the commitment to monitoring and managing ESG risks, including environmental / climate risk was adopted. In the employee pillar, the bank has made commitments to promote diversity and provide a friendly workplace, responsible employment management and supporting employee development. Our social responsibility is counteracting social exclusion, respecting human rights, increasing the availability of products and services for all customers, as well as philanthropic activities for the benefit of art, solidarity and the natural environment. The fourth pillar of the Strategy - responsibility towards the natural environment defines the bank's obligations to support customers in the transition to a low-carbon economy, respecting the natural environment, limiting the negative impact of our operations on the natural environment, and increasing awareness and sharing good practices for the natural environment.

In 2020, a new function was appointed in the organization - the Chief Sustainability Officer, whose role is to manage and coordinate the organization's activities in the field of ESG, sustainable development and combating climate change. The Chief Sustainability Officer reports directly to the President of the Management Board, who supervises the implementation of strategic inclusion of ESG aspects in the organization's activities. The Sustainability Council was also established, which is responsible for ensuring that the strategic goals related to sustainable development are understood and shared in all areas of the Bank's operations and among customers, also thanks to the development of banking products and services.

With regard to the risk of climate change, as a part of the risk identification process review, the ESG risk was assessed as significant for the Bank and was introduced into the Risk Management Strategy. In the next step, in order to reduce and control the risk, the Bank developed rules for measuring ESG risk in the process of determining the Bank's internal capital (ICAAP). Capital plan of BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. for the years 2021-2023 it has been supplemented with limits to cover ESG risk, determined on the basis of the risk measurement. The bank also introduced limits related to ESG risk in the risk appetite.

Based on the EBA / GL / 2020/06 Guidelines on loan granting and monitoring, from June 30, 2021, the ESG risk assessment has been included in the credit risk assessment process for corporate and SME customers - borrowers are assessed in terms of ESG factors, including climate issues. From September 1, 2021, the ESG risk assessment will also be implemented for Micro customers.


Detailed information on the assumptions of the strategy:

Presentation "Strategy for 2018-2021"

Additional information on the progress in the implementation of the strategy as well as financial and non-financial measures used are disclosed in the Bank’s and Group’s periodic reports:


Reports for year 2021:

Management Board's report on the activities of the BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. Capital Group in 2021 (including the Management Board Report on the activity of BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. in 2021)

The ESG Report presenting non-financial information of BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. and BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A. Group for the year 2021


More detailed information about corporate social responsibility and sustainable development as well as strategy and ESG issues management at BNP Paribas Bank Polska can be found at the following websites: